Clive Rossington Gestalt Therapist Specialising in Grief and Loss in Brighton and Online

Knitting. knitting

Knit Yourself Calm

As part of my work as a Gestalt therapist specialising in grief and loss in Brighton and online, I used to run a Zoom Knitting Group to explore anxiety, depression, and the process of making meaningful changes in our everyday thinking.

The practice of knitting strikes at the heart of Gestalt therapy – a creative, interactive form of therapy that focuses on self-awareness in the ‘here and now’.

For instance, do you stick to the pattern, or are you able to improvise and make things up as you go along? What happens if things go wrong, such as a dropped stitch or worse? How do you deal with tension, stress and changing colours? Do you experiment with bringing more colour into your knitting and, by extension, into your life as well?

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